• Question: Why does my ex keep messaging me even after we broke up 2 years ago?

    Asked by Axel69 to Sam, Rose, Ben on 12 Jun 2017.
    • Photo: Rose Turner

      Rose Turner answered on 12 Jun 2017:

      It could be that they want to get back together, perhaps they just want to stay friends with you or maybe they want to talk to you about something but don’t know how to say it. Either way, you must be important to them in some way, otherwise they wouldn’t be messaging you, so be kind and respectful in return! 🙂

    • Photo: Sam Carr

      Sam Carr answered on 12 Jun 2017:

      I guess only your ex can answer that question. It could be that they really aren’t “over” you yet and want to get back with you. It could be, as Rose suggests, that they want to continue to contact you on a friendship level. It could be that they need some sort of “closure” (as the Americans say) and have something to say before they can finally walk away. Either way, you’ll never know unless you ask them. Maybe you could respectfully talk to them? There are some things that only one person in the world knows the answer to – and in this case that person is your ex 🙂
