• Question: do you think it is just interent porn that can affect relationships? as an extreme example Ted Bundy blamed porn for him being a serial killer

    Asked by 363reah29 to Sam on 10 Jun 2017.
    • Photo: Sam Carr

      Sam Carr answered on 10 Jun 2017:

      Hi Kayleigh,

      I think that internet porn can affect relationships in so many ways. I wrote an article in the news last year on this topic and you can take a look at it here:


      One of the problems with internet porn is that it shows us “unrealistic” examples. I mean, unrealistic examples of what women and men look like, unrealistic examples of what sex is like, and unrealistic examples of what men and women can expect from each other. If young (and old) people begin to get the idea that this is what sex “should” be like – I think that can (sometimes) mean they try to recreate that in their own lives – and this can cause problems.

      But of course, internet porn isn’t the ONLY thing that can affect a relationship – there are many, many other things that can do it too – like work, technology, Facebook and all sorts of other things.

      Your example of Ted Bundy is extreme – but it has been suggested that porn can encourage men to view women as “objects” for them to play with. If men begin to see women like this then I guess the extreme consequences could (in rare cases) be really unpleasant.
