• Question: why should I vote for you?

    Asked by krystyna to Sam, Rose, Maggi, Kirsty, Ben on 13 Jun 2017.
    • Photo: Kirsty Miller

      Kirsty Miller answered on 13 Jun 2017:

      Hi 🙂 Great question! I think there are very good reasons to vote for all of us, but if I won, I would like to use the money to work with young people like you to teach you how to conduct your own research. I would like to show you how to investigate the things that influence your mental health and come up with ways to try to solve these problems. This would mean you could be researchers and also try to provide a solution to the problem – and at the end of the day who knows better about your mental health than you?!!!

    • Photo: Rose Turner

      Rose Turner answered on 14 Jun 2017:

      Hi Krystyna! Wow, the trickiest question so far 😉
      Well, I did learn a LOT about the Twilight saga to answer some questions about Bella and Edward’s relationship..! 😉
      Now for the serious answer… My plan would be to use the money to put together an event that uses the arts as a way to convey the latest science research. I would plan for a scientists to collaborate with writers/artists to create very short plays/spoken poetry/works of art that explain their latest findings. I would use the money to advertise the event to schools and communities, and try to get lots of people to come along. I think the arts and science should work together more, so it would be my aim to kick-start something that could continue into the future.
