• Question: What would you say is the biggest influential factor on forming relationships?

    Asked by Olivia to Sam, Rose, Maggi, Kirsty, Ben on 15 Jun 2017.
    • Photo: Kirsty Miller

      Kirsty Miller answered on 15 Jun 2017:

      Hi Olivia 🙂 Good question 🙂 I think probably having something in common. If we find common ground then it makes us feel closer to people, and this in turn releases ‘happy hormones’ which we then associate with these people, thus making us feel closer to them, and so on…. Having common ground with people also helps us overlook any negatives, as long as we focus on our similarities – so it is beneficial in a few ways!

    • Photo: Rose Turner

      Rose Turner answered on 17 Jun 2017:

      Hi Olivia,
      This is one of those great questions that raises the question of interactions between biological and environmental factors. These interactions are complicated and involve lots of different variables, so it would be hard to pick one as ‘most important’. We know that there are biological underpins that lead us to become drawn to someone (either as a friend or romantically), and that social factors will impact the longevity of relationships. Personality traits are bound to play a part, and even these have both biological and social influences. In terms of social factors, having common ground can be very useful. Sometimes, however, people are looking to form a relationship because they fulfil some need, and sometimes they aren’t, and this will depend both on both biological drives and on social experience and timing.
