• Question: Do you work better as a team or an individual?

    Asked by Kira to Ben, Sam, Kirsty, Maggi, Rose on 16 Jun 2017.
    • Photo: Kirsty Miller

      Kirsty Miller answered on 16 Jun 2017:

      Hi Kira, that’s a good question! Although I quite like working by myself, I think it’s better to work as a team when doing research because you have other people you can talk to about your ideas. When I talk to my colleagues about my work they always come up with things I’ve not thought about before and it’s great to be able to bounce ideas off them, and we always come out with better ideas than I started with!

    • Photo: Rose Turner

      Rose Turner answered on 17 Jun 2017:

      Hey Kira! I think it depends on the situation. I like to spend time alone when I’m coming up with ideas, in order to work through a thought process uninterrupted. But once I have some ideas (or if I get stuck) I like to talk about them with others. It doesn’t even need to be an expert in the area – sometimes just the process of talking it through really helps! Working in a team is great, because you get more of a range of ideas – two heads (or 3 or 4 or 5) are better than one, as they say! Everyone has strengths and weaknesses so a team can really play to everyone’s strengths. If it’s a good team, it can be a fun and sociable experience too!
